Monday, January 5, 2009

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume XXII

"Come on, buddy! You can make it!" Mogey yelled at the top of his lungs. "Stay with me!"

He was running as fast as he could through the forest, carrying Smush on his shoulders. Mogey risked another glance at his friend's face, but it was still blue.

didn't slow until he reached his destination: a thatch-roofed hut with a sign on the door reading "Dr. Edmond W. Wrinkleface M.D."

beat upon the door until a crotchety old man in a night cap opened it up.

"Oh thank goodness, Dr. Wrinkleface, it happened again!" Mogey screamed, dumping Smush on the stoop. Dr. Wrinkleface sighed and dropped what is known in the medical profession as "the flying elbow" onto Smush's stomach. There was a whoosh of air and a piece of franks'n'beans shot out of Smush's mouth and stuck to the gutter above the doorway.

Dr. Wrinkleface slammed the door and returned to bed as Smush tried to catch his breath and Mogey hugged him muttering "never again...never again".

When Smush regained his strength they returned home and shared a big bowl of franks'n'beans to celebrate.

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