Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume 444

Mogey and Smush were down at the cobbler's shop one winter's afternoon to survey the goods. Well, Smush was there to survey the goods. Mogey had tagged along for no reason at all and he was growing more and more impatient with Smush's elaborate shopping style.

"So you're telling me you can make these boots in brown AND black?" Smush asked.

"Aye," the cobbler replied without looking up from the shoe he was shaping.

"Is the black more of a midnight black or a coal black?" Smush pressed.

"What's the difference?" the cobbler said, taking a large puff from the ragged cigar in his mouth. "It's a miner's boot."

"Oh there's a big difference," Smush answered defensively. "You see, midnight black has a bit of a blue tinge, while--"

"Smush, can we get out of here already?" Mogey interrupted. "I've got things to do!"

"You have things to do?" Smush demanded, rounding on his pal. "What things do you have to do?"

"Um," Mogey replied, darting his eyes about as if searching for ideas. "I have to go see a man about a sheep?" he suggested. Smush and the carpenter weren't buying it. "Alright fine, I don't have anything to do," Mogey admitted. "But I'd rather send my girlfriend on a date with Jimmy 'Iron-abs' Hansom than listen to this shoe-talk any longer."

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