Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume 438

"If you could have one superpower, what would it be?" Mogey asked Smush one fall afternoon as they were picking nectarines.

"A bottomless tummy," Smush replied. "And you?"

"I would live in the ocean," Mogey said, his voice taking on a dreamy quality, "and be able to command all sea creatures, from the mighty humpback whale to the humble starfish. Every day I would dine on kelp and seahorse salad and every evening at seven thirty, an army of cuttlefish would arrive to give me a sponge bath."

"Why would you need a sponge bath if you lived in the ocean?" Smush queried.

"How dare you?" Mogey declared angrily, chucking a rotten nectarine at Smush's shoes. "How dare you stomp all over my dreams with your pterodactyl-leather-booted feet? If I want an underwater sponge bath, then an underwater sponge bath I shall have!"

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