Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume 442

When they were very small, Mogey and Smush had teamed up to win a county-wide battle royale, which resulted in the two pals receiving scholarships to attend any secondary school they could gain entrance to. Throughout their grammar school days, Mogey and Smush studied hard, preparing themselves for the very best academies in all the land. Finally, at the age of sixteen, the time had come for them to choose which schools they would apply to.

"What's your number one choice, Mogey?" Smush asked as the two of them pored over directories in the village library.

"I'm going to apply to the most elite school in town," Mogey replied quietly. "A school so selective that only about ten students per year are eligible to be admitted: St. Lucy's."

"St. Lucy's?" Smush said. "But that's a school for the blind!"

"The blindingly smart, perhaps," Mogey responded curtly.

"Good gracious," Smush muttered, shaking his head. "Will you do me a favor, Mogey? Put in an application at Auntie T-Bone's School for the Simple, just in case."

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