Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume CCCXIII

"Oy, Smush!" Mogey shouted one morning as he jumped up and down on his Smush's bed in an effort to wake him up. "It's almost light out and the durfing is supposed to be incredible today!"

"What in the name of apple dumplings is 'durfing?'" Smush demanded without opening his eyes.

"What is durfing? You can't be serious," Mogey chided. "Have you been living under a rock, Smush?"

"I do live under a rock," Smush replied. "Our house is a burrow dug beneath the mighty Boulder of Brigenders, remember?"

"Oh yeah," Mogey said. "Well that doesn't excuse your lack of knowledge about the grand sport of durfing - it's all the rage among the youths and youthettes of the land!" Mogey honked Smush's nose until he finally opened his eyes. "I'm about to tell you two words that have captured the imaginations of thousands... donkey surfing."

"Donkey surfing?" Smush asked.

"Donkey surfing," Mogey replied. "There's nothing quite like the feeling of smooth donkey fur beneath your feet as you balance atop the most graceful creature in the kingdom at a full gallop. That's durfing." Mogey reduced his voice to a whisper. "And rumor has it that this very morning, durfing pioneer Sir Andre Michael Michaelson III will attempt to durf the undurfable Shale Bluff atop his mighty steed, Bucky."

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