Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume CCCXV

One breezy afternoon, Mogey and Smush were out back feeding the pigs their second mid-afternoon snack, when they noticed a strange man prowling about the barnyard. Without so much as a nod to acknowledge their presence, the man crept along, pausing every so often to twist his orangey-red moustache. The man carried an old-timey musket, which was his only option gun-wise, seeing as it was old timey times.

"Pardon me, mister," Smush called. "But may we help you?" The man turned toward Mogey and Smush and held a finger to his lips.

"The name's Rudolph Binkle," he whispered. "Dinosaur hunter."

"Well, Master Binkle," Mogey said. "As you can see, we have no dinosaurs here...."

"Shh!" Rudolph Binkle hissed. "I may have gotten one in my sights! Yes! Tis a rare bumposaurus if I ever saw one."

"My good man," Smush stated with just a hint of frustration. "If you do not cease pointing that rifle at our pet camel, Chauncey, I shall be forced to hogtie you and remove you from the premises."

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