Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume CCLXXIII

Over the years, Mogey and Smush's Fanning Palace saw less and less business. At first they'd been wildly successful: folks from all over town had come during the hot summer months to be fanned by all manner of palm fronds, folding fans, and other such devices.

Mogey and Smush had hired a veritable army of apprentice fanners and they'd expanded the business into an enormous warehouse to have enough for their clientele. Now, however, they'd been forced to lay off all their employees except for an overeager young chap named Magoo, and they'd moved back into a little shop on High Street.

Mogey and Smush just couldn't understand where all their customers had gone. It was hot, after all, and hot days had always been their busiest times.

"Sheesh," Mogey said, wiping his brow and glancing around their empty Fanning Palace. "It is hotter than a hot plum pudding in here."

"One hundred and ten degrees, they're saying," Smush replied.

"I can't stand it anymore!" Mogey shouted finally, leaping to his feet. "Can you and Magoo watch the shop for a bit, Smush? I'm going across the street to the bank. They have air conditioning in there that'll knock your socks off."

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