Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume 390

"Do you ever wish you could breathe underwater?" Mogey asked Smush abruptly as the two of them were rowing across Lake Lockalookie one morning.

"Not really," Smush replied. "It's awfully wet down there...."

"Of course you do," Mogey interrupted assuredly. "Who doesn't? Well I'm happy to say I've solved this problem that has plagued mankind since at least the Tuesday before last." Mogey paused to look around as if expecting applause. "How did I crack this riddle, you ask?" he went on. "By figuring out the key to the underwater breathing abilities of fish!"

"Gills?" Smush asked.

"No," Mogey said. "It turns out, the thing all fish have in common is that they smile upside down."

"You're sure it's not gills?" Smush said.

"Allow me to demonstrate," Mogey replied. He then arranged his face into an expression so fish-like, that for a moment, Smush entertained the notion that it just might work. Several minutes later when he was hauling a half-drowned and still very fishy-looking Mogey out of Lake Lockalookie, Smush wondered if he had a more foolish notion in all his life.

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