Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume CXXXVIII

One blustery afternoon Mogey and Smush were up in the crow's nest munching on some hard tack when Smush spotted something off in the distance.

"Look there, Moges!" he said, pointing. "Is that what I think it is?"

"That all depends on what you think it is," Mogey replied.

"I think it's none other than a bald mastodon," Smush answered. "The famous aquatic bald mastodon of Binglebon Creek, to be precise."

"But no one's seen one of those since...since..." Mogey stuttered.

"Since two Tuesdays ago," Smush stated significantly. "I know."

As the ship advanced toward the behemoth floating ahead, Mogey and Smush strained their eyes in hopes of being the first people in weeks to observe an aquatic bald mastodon in its natural habitat, but they were sorely disappointed.

"Aw man, it's just a big white pumpkin," Mogey sighed in disappointment.

"Have faith, Mogey," Smush said, looking off toward the horizon. "The aquatic bald mastodon is out there somewhere. I know it."

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