Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume CXIX

One brisk fall day Mogey and Smush were in the forest for some white tail deer riding. The way white tail deer riding worked was this: Mogey and Smush would perch like slimey old crones in the low branches of a tree and wait for a deer to run beneath. Time the jump up correctly and you'd get a 5-15 second ride of insanity. Unfortunately, Mogey and Smush could only do this on especially brisk fall days because otherwise the deer's backs would get all sweaty. It didn't make it any harder to ride, but who wants deer sweat all over his pants?

On this particular fall day, Mogey made one of the more deadly white tail deer riding errors a person could make. He was in his slimey old crone crouch when he heard the thundering of hooves in the undergrowth. Smush shot Mogey a meaningful look, the meaning of which was essentially "Game Time".

Then the biggest deer Mogey had ever seen came barrelling past. This was because it wasn't a deer so much as it was a moose. And as any good white tail deer rider knows, you never, ever, attempt to ride a moose. Mogey knew this old adage well, but before he'd realized the full mooseyness of the creature beneath him, it was too late and he'd already jumped. He landed in perfect deer riding position atop the moose's wirey-haired back.

The behemoth immediately skidded to a halt. As Smush watched in horror from up a tree and Mogey sat in horror on the creature's monstrous back, the moose slowly craned his head around to face Mogey snout to nose.

And it's no mystery what happened then.

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