Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume 570

On the evening of The Great Debate, Mogey and Smush led the St. Zonko School for Wild Boys debate team into the ancient arguing grounds. The pals had spent the last fortnight designing uniforms for the St. Zonko team: They'd sewn spangles and stitched patches, they'd knitted socks and crocheted scarves, they'd darned seams and tatted fancy collars.

Now that it was showtime, Mogey and Smush strode into the arguing grounds with a confidence they'd never felt before, and they could see in their opponents' eyes that the uniforms were intimidating. Finally it came time for St. Zonko's first debate of the tournament. The opposing team launched unsteadily into their opening statement, clearly rattled by the flash and pizzazz of Mogey and Smush's new uniforms.

Then the moderator turned to the St. Zonko's team. For a few moments the silence was broken only by throat clearing and a small rogue belch, as Mogey and Smush waited for someone on their team to say something.

"Smush," Mogey whispered, "I'm beginning to think maybe we should have spent a little less time on our uniforms and a little more time practicing our debating skills."

"Nah," Smush replied quietly, "you can't underestimate the value of a first impression. And right now St. Zonko's is stylin'."

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