Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume CCCLXVII

Several public chess tables stood in hamlet of Tipary with a spectacular view of Lake Nump. It was at one of these tables that Mogey and Smush could be found on a blustery September afternoon.

"Say, what are you trying to pull, Smush?" Mogey demanded. "You can't move two pieces at once!"

"It's called castling, Mogey," Smush replied, exasperatedly. "You can cross the rook and the king, so long as the king hasn't moved yet."

"And just who is this 'crook' you speak of?" Mogey asked.

"It's 'rook,' Mogey, 'rook.'" Smush answered. "Rook is just another name for the castle."

"I see," Mogey replied, surveying the chess board through narrowed eyes and nodding as if he had decided something. "This game is stupid. Let's go play Hungry Hungry Hippos."

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