Friday, June 4, 2010

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume CCCLVI

One evening, Smush came into the washroom to find Mogey hunkered down in front of the looking glass, rubbing furiously on his two front teeth.

"What foolishness are you up to this time, Mogey?" Smush asked.

"I'm trying to help my tusks grow in," Mogey replied. "I did my best to be patient but they're just taking so darned long."

"Your tusks?"

"Precisely," Mogey said. "How long must a young fellow wait before his he gets a respectable set of chompers?"

"Don't be silly, Mogey," Smush said. "You could no sooner grow a pair of tusks than Jim 'Babycakes' Wallingham could walk through a prickerbush without getting a boo-boo. It's time to give up your dreams of playing walrus tennis and get back to reality, already."

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