Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume CCXCV

One evening a gathering of the village council was held for town elders only. Being that Mogey and Smush were both rambunctious and curious youngsters, they of course set about sneaking into the almost impregnable village meeting hut. Under cover of most excellent disguises, the two attempted to hobble up to the entrance in a geezerdly fashion. But so gleeful were they about the impending shenanigans that they couldn't help but skip spryly along.

"Whoa there," the large man at the front said through an inordinately muscly set of cheek muscles. "Where do you two think you're skipping?"

"Into the meeting," Smush stated.

"Because we're both elders," Mogey added helpfully.

"Elders? Ho ho ho," the man laughed heartily. "I think not! You sir," he said, pointing to Smush. "In addition to skipping, you've got all your teeth. And I don't recall you hunching your back this much a few minutes ago. And you sir," the man turned to Mogey and shook his head. "I don't even know where to begin with you. Did you know that old people don't necessarily dress like wizards? And do you really expect me to believe you have a green beard? You've clearly duct taped tree moss to your face."

"See Mogey?" Smush shouted. "I told you back in the forest that the beard was unnecessary!"

"But Old Man Mossface has never failed me before," Mogey replied sadly.

"Do you mean to tell me you've worn that getup previously?" Smush demanded.

"No, this was the first time," Mogey answered. "But I could've sworn it was foolproof."

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