Monday, November 2, 2009

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume CCXXI

"Mogey! Mogey! Come quickly!" Smush shouted, rushing into the house all afluster. "You'll never believe what I've taught Brownie to do!"

Mogey leapt from his chair and followed Smush hurriedly out to the barn. Brownie, their prize dairy cow was standing in her stall as always, munching from her feedbox. But instead of her normal diet of oats and hay, the feedbox was full of eggs and a half-pound bag of sugar.

"Milk her, Mogey!" Smush said, almost shaking with excitement. So Mogey sat down on the short stool and milked Brownie into the clean metal pail. The milk made a swishing sound against the side of the pail, and Mogey wondered what in the world Smush was on about.

"Now give it a try!" Smush urged. Mogey took a sip from the fresh pail of milk. Then another. Then he took several enormous gulps.

"Great gooses!" Mogey cried when at last he stopped drinking. "This is the most delicious egg nog I've ever tasted!"

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