Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume CXVI

One day Mogey and Smush were walking through town when Smush was struck in the head with an errant bag of chocolate covered raisins.

"Take that, you pidgeon-beaked daughter of a sea cucumber!" yelled Van Nello, the town chocolatier. Mogey was just about to yell something equally nasty back at Van, when he was struck in the head by a box of vanilla cupcakes with vanilla frosting.

"No, you take that you bow-legged patsy!" yelled "Hot" Koko Bogart, the town vanillatier. Hot Koko and Van Nello were embroiled in a feud that stretched back to a childhood incident involving an easy bake oven, and now Mogey and Smush were caught in the crossfire.

They ran for their lives as Van threw chocolately projectiles at Koko and Koko returned fire with makeshift vanilla bombs. Finally Mogey and Smush were able to reach the relative safety of an overturned wagon in the village square.

"When are those two just going to come out and admit that they're madly in love?" Smush said, shaking his head.

"Are you crazy?" Mogey asked, licking frosting off his arm. "There is no more forbidden love in all the land than that between a chocolatier and a woman named Bogart."

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