"The key to catching a Chirruping Domp," Smush whispered knowledgeably, "is to attract it using the scent of its mate. That's why I baited my trap with a single goose feather that I rubbed with rose petals every night for a month."
"But the Chirruping Domp hasn't got a mate," Mogey said. "Only one of them has ever lived."
"True, but it doesn't know that. And a goose feather is the closest thing there is to a Chirruping Domp feather."
Despite his confidence, the pals watched Smush's trap for hours without success. Just as they were about to give up, they heard a loud springing sound and the unmistakeable squawk of a trapped Chirruping Domp coming, not from Smush's trap, but from the trap Mogey had established.
"You've done it!" Smush exclaimed. "You've trapped the Chirruping Domp, Mogey! What in the world did you use for bait?"
"A churro dipped in peanut butter," Mogey replied. "But good luck with that feather thing."
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