"Come on, Mogey, old buddy, you can do it!" Smush whispered. He and the world records official stood over Mogey's bed, watching his pal snooze peacefully.
"20 seconds...."
Smush gritted his teeth and willed his friend to stay asleep.
"10 seconds..." the official counted. "Annnnnnd, time!"
Smush waited a few more moments, just in case, then shook Mogey awake, grabbing him up in a violent bear hug.
"You did it, Mogey! I knew you could!"
"Wha--?" Mogey asked groggily.
"You just set the world record for longest time asleep!" Smush exclaimed. "It'll be in all the papers tomorrow."
"That's interesting," Mogey replied, yawning mightily. "I suppose that's enough for today, isn't it?"
"I suppose..." Smush said.
"Good," Mogey answered. "Because I could sure use a nap."
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