"Today is the day," Mogey announced.
"Today is the day I ride Mister Lumpernoodle's waterwheel... all the way around."
"All the way?" Smush gasped. "But that's impossible! The physics alone...."
"I can do it," Mogey promised. "But I need your help."
Half an hour later Mogey and Smush were hanging out sketchily near Mister Lumpernoodle's grist mill. When it seemed that no one was watching, Mogey ran to the waterwheel and hopped into one of the buckets while Smush hurried over to the sluice gate.
"Now!" Mogey shouted, donning his goggles and looking supremely dorky. Smush opened the sluice full tilt, sending a sizable wave rushing toward the waterwheel. The wheel spun at tremendous speed, carrying Mogey up and around then dunking him down into the stream and finally flinging him high into the air.
"What are you boys doing out here?" Mister Lumpernoodle hollered as Mogey landed with a thud not five feet in front of him. Mister Lumpernoodle cocked his shotgun. "You got that darn wheel moving so fast that it ground all my corn into a powder so fine that it'll only be fit for sprinkling under my arms. I'll smell like corn from now til eternity! Corney, they'll call me, Corney the Corn-pone Corndog."
Pictures in M and S? This internet machine is simply unbelievable. I've heard you can even read the newspaper through the interwebs if you are exceptionally crafty...