Monday, March 5, 2012

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume 588

Mogey and Smush were journeying along the rocky coastline of Brabashadur when they came upon a building the likes of which they'd never seen before.

"Say, Smush," Mogey began, "what do you suppose they built that for? It's too tall and skinny to be much of a house, but there's no cropland around here, so it can't be a silo either."

"Not to mention the fact that it's windowless all the way up until those enormous windows at the top. Someone's shining a light up there so bright that you must be able to see it for miles. I haven't the foggiest idea what it could be."

"Let's ask this marmoset," Mogey suggested, gesturing to a passerby. "They're usually the knowledgeable sort. Excuse me, goodly marmoset? What is the purpose of yonder building?"

"I'm actually just a very hairy man," the passerby replied. "And that there's what we call a lighthouse."

"Pardon me, marmoset," Smush interrupted angrily, "but I believe my friend asked you what the purpose of that house is, not how much it weighs."

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