Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume 484

One afternoon, Mogey and Smush were in the midst of their second semi-daily trip to the butcher shop when the woman in front of them turned round.

"Excuse me," she said, "you look like two nice young fellows. Would you hold my baby for a moment while I order some liverwurst?"

Before they knew it, a squirming little tot had been thrust into Mogey's arms, and the woman had gone up to the counter.

"Ma'am?" Smush called. "Ma'am, I'm not sure Mogey is qualified--"

"Shh!" Mogey silenced him. "I can handle it."

The baby cooed happily as Mogey bounced him and began to hum quietly, finally breaking into a full on lullaby.

"Bye baby Bunting, Mogey's gone a-hunting," he sang. "Gone to get a turnip bin to put the baby Bunting in."

"What in the world are you singing to my child?" the woman shrieked, snatching the babe back and resting its head carefully on a bag of liverwurst before storming out of the shop.

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