Monday, March 30, 2009

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume LXXVII

Mogey and Smush had a termite problem, and so they did what everyone in the village did when they had a termite problem: they went to see the Medicine Man, Steve. Medicine Man Steve's front room was empty as Mogey and Smush sauntered in, so his secretary ushered them back into the deep dark depths of his meditation chamber.

"Hiya fellas!" M.M.S. said cheerily as they entered. "What can I do for you?"

"We have a problem with the termite nests under our front porch," Mogey began.

"Ah-ha!" Steve interupted. "Termites...say n'more, say n'more. The way you want to handle termite nests is, you take some lighter fluid, see? And you cover the nest with a nice even coat."

"Wait, lighter fluid?" Smush asked. "Won't that ruin the flavor?"

"The flavor?" Medicine Man Steve asked. "The flavor of what?"

"The termites of course," Mogey replied, "we wouldn't want our termite pie with the crispy crumbly topping to taste like lighter fluid. Our problem is getting more termites out...the nests seem to be running a bit low."

"Did you say...termite pie with crispy crumbly topping?" Medicine Man Steve said with a shocked expression. Mogey and Smush nodded eagerly. "My goodness!" M.M.S. continued, grabbing his coat. "There's no time to waste. I haven't had a termite pie in ages, and one with crispy crumbly topping in even longer than that!"

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