Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume XL

One rainy day Mogey and Smush were down by the pond doing a little fishing. The fish bit better in the rain, Smush always said, because underwater the rain sounded like bags and bags of jelly bears were being dropped from above, but there were never any jelly bears to be found, which is enough to make anyone hungry.

"Smush?" Mogey said quietly as the cast their jelly bear baited lines into the pond. "What's the difference between a newt and a salamander?"

"That's easy," Smush replied. "Newts usually wear hats, especially when they go to the supermarket, but salamanders think wearing a hat anytime is the height of rudeness."

"Wow," said Mogey, "I never knew that. You really do know pretty much everything, don't you, Smush?"

"Yep," Smush said as he sifted through their jelly bear bait bucket in search of a red one.

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