Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume 532

"I've kept you in the dark for too long," Mogey announced as he and Smush strode into the county fairgrounds for the annual egg-toss competition. "I don't just plan to watch this contest. I've entered as a competitor."

"You have?" Smush asked, trying not to sound too hurt. "But who's your egg-toss partner?"

"Chugg Malloy," Mogey replied with a sly smile.

"Chugg Malloy?" Smush demanded. "You mean your archenemy? The Chugg Malloy who was so angry when you dented his front bumper that he plucked every one of our chickens bald and then turned up the AC in the chicken coup?"

"That's the one."

"But they say his fastball goes 114 miles an hour! He once decapitated the batter, catcher, and umpire on the same pitch! This is the man you're going to allow to throw a small round object in your direction?"

"See that's where the plan gets truly ingenius," Mogey said. "I've switched our egg out for a Cadbury creme egg. When he throws it at my head - as he surely will - I'll end up with a mouth full of chocolate and laugh all the way to the dentist!"

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