Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume 463

One afternoon, Mogey came into the kitchen to find Smush staring at a heaping plate of flapjacks with a perplexed look on his face. Normally "perplexed" was the last thing in the world Smush felt when he encountered flapjacks, and so Mogey was concerned for his pal.

"Everything hunky dory there, Smush?" Mogey asked.

"No it isn't," Smush replied, his frown deepening. "I've cooked up these flapjacks for Sweetie Malloy, but I seem to have forgotten something. You see, Miss Malloy doesn't like syrup on her flapjacks, so I've sprinkled them with cinnamon and nutmeg, but I do believe they need one more spice."

"Good thing your old pal Mogey is here to save the day," Mogey said, clapping Smush on the back. "It's perfectly obvious what spice you forget to add."

"Yes?" Smush answered gratefully. "What is it?"

"Chocolate frosting of course!" Mogey replied. "A bit of frosting on each flapjack and Sweetie Malloy will fall madly in love with you."

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