Monday, July 20, 2009

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume CLIV

One day Mogey and Smush were ambling on down to Doc Mulligan's Candy Shop. When they rounded the corner, the two pals were greeted by the sight of a raucous mob milling about in front of Doc Mulligan's. They were carrying pitchforks, whips, porcupines, and all other sorts of hastily grabbed implements of violence.

"What's going on here?" Mogey asked one of the mobmen as the sidled slowly on up.

"We done heard that someone in this town eats twopenny licorice whips!" the man shouted. "And we won't stand fer no one in our fair city eating that sort a' sissy candy!"

A roar went up from the crowd as the man yelled these words. Mogey and Smush backed slowly away down an alley, deciding that perhaps today was not the best day to purchase their weekly supply of twopenny licorice whips.

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