Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume 502

One cool spring morn, Mogey and Smush were walking along the old rock wall that separated Good Jeremiah Baker's land from Evil Persimmon von Snibb's property. They were playing a game they liked to call "rocks," which consisted of throwing rocks at other rocks in hopes of creating even more rocks.

After Smush had made a particularly nice rock toss, he noticed that Mogey was no longer beside him - he was standing stock still upon the rock wall, completely lost in thought.

"I've got it!" Mogey shouted suddenly, leaping into the air with joy. "I finally know what I'm going to do with my life. I'm going to become a cowpoke."

"A cowpoke?" Smush asked.

"Indeed," Mogey said. "I think I could be the best darn cowpoke that ever there was."

"I'm not entirely convinced that you know what a cowpoke does," Smush ventured. "I bet you think they go around poking cows all day, don't you?"

"I do," Mogey replied. "And there's nothing you can tell me that'll make me think otherwise."

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