Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush: 2023 Edition - Episode 21


Mogey and Smush both clapped their hands to their ears as the massive bell rang out just above their heads. 

"Great good ghosties!" Smush exclaimed. "I had no idea it would be so loud. I think one of my fillings vibrated right out of my teeth! Let's press on," he added, pointing up the stairs.

The pals mounted the wooden steps, which brought them directly behind the face of Goliath's Pocketwatch, the clock tower that loomed above the city. 

"Alright, Moge-man," Smush intoned, "this is the most critical part of our plan, so let's not rush anything. I've got some complex geometry to think through, and we've only got one shot at this."

Smush got to one knee and began to scratch figures into the dusty wood with a charcoal stick. Upon hearing a loud clanking noise, he glanced up to see Mogey hauling away on a windlass.

"NO!" Smush shrieked. "Do you realize what you've done? You turned the clock hands the wrong way! Instead of serving breakfast an hour later in the day, Clucks Deluxe Chicken & Ducks is going to STOP serving it an hour early. Months of planning, foiled!"

Despite this tirade, Mogey continued to crank the windlass, so Smush finally dashed the metal grip out of his pal's hand. 

"Huh?" Mogey jabbered. "What'd you do that for?"

"Haven't you heard a word I've said?" Smush demanded.

"Sorry, Smushster," Mogey said. "I can't hear you. I haven't heard a thing since that confounded bell went off. Say!" he went on, pointing to a miniscule white object on the clock tower floor. "Is that one of your dental fillings?"

Still oblivious to his friend's dismay, Mogey strode over to the item in question, picked it up, and then shook his head. "Never mind," he concluded. "False alarm. It's just a tic tac."

"Gimme that!" Smush cried. "Tic tacs are what my dentist uses for fillings. Haven't you ever wondered why I'm constantly at his office? And why my breath is so relentlessly fresh?"

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