Thursday, December 2, 2021

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush: Quarantine Episode 16

Hand over hand, foot over foot, Mogey and Smush made their way slowly up the village church's steeple. Twice, loose shingles threatened to send them plummeting to their doom. Another time, Smush's hand accidentally got caught in Mogey's back fat, and it took half an hour and a goodly portion of Smush's emergency stick of butter to remove it.

"Don't worry, Smush," said Mogey as his pal's hand came free with an enormous SBLOOP! "It'll all be worth it in the end."

At last they made it into the bell tower. Before them hung the ancient bronze bell cast by Emmit Village, the founder and namesake of their little hamlet. The great instrument filled the pals with pride and a hunger for beefy seven-layer burritos. Smush glanced at the sun and held Mogey back with an arm.

"Wait a moment," Smush said. "It's too risky."

"I don't care!" Mogey exclaimed, pushing past Smush's arm as though it was the turnstile at the final concert of rap rock legends Mild Fever. "I've had enough of those mosquitos, I tell you. I must have bat allies and I must have them now!"

Mogey crouched beneath the massive bell and looked up, just as the clock struck noon. Twelve epic peals rang out. Unable to escape, Mogey received the full blast of each knell from inside the bronze dome. 

When at last the twelfth note had been struck, Mogey stumbled out, his head still vibrating noticeably.

"Well?" asked Smush.

"There were no bats," Mogey replied. "But by golly what a ride! Only 59 minutes until it comes round again!" 

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