Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume LXXXIII

One evening Mogey and Smush were supping on pheasant and welsh rarebit.

"Hey Mogey," Smush said, "my rarebit needs a bit more chocolate syrup. Would you grab it from the dumbwaiter?"

"Listen up bucko!" Mogey shouted, wagging his finger under Smush's nose. "Just because he can't read and we found him wandering around the henyard trying looking for chickenfeed, does NOT give you cause to call Weatherby dumb!"

Weatherby, the manservant Mogey and Smush had hired several weeks ago, stood silently in the corner, entertaining himself immensely with the spoon he was hanging from his nose.

"I wasn't talking about Weatherby, I was talking about the dumbwaiter," Smush said. "You know, that little elevator for food that's right behind you?"

"Is that what that thing is called?" Mogey answered. "All these years I've been calling it the muffin lift. Oh Weatherby? I'm running low on BoKu, could you top me off?"

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