Thursday, January 9, 2025

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush: 2025 Edition - Episode 1

 Mogey arrived at Smush's cottage one foggy morning clad in galoshes, woolen overalls, and a diving mask. Smush opened the door at Mogey's knock, his look of groggy confusion a perfect facsimile of Eli Whitney's face the first time he ever saw cotton candy.

"What are you up to?" Smush asked. "And what's with the snorkeling goggles?"

"How dare you?" Mogey exclaimed, hands on hips.

"Oh biscuits. What've I said this time?"

"Snorkeling? Goggles? I've never heard such profanity before 10 o'clock in the morning."

"For biscuits' sakes," Smush muttered, "those aren't rude words. I was talking about your eyewear! People call those things 'goggles' after their inventor, Federico di Goggliano. And many use them to go snorkeling, a watersport named after its inventor, Federico di Snorkeliano. What in the world do you use 'em for?" 

"These?" Mogey replied. "These are my skunkhuntin' specs."

"Holy biscuits! You're hunting for... skunks?"

"Aye," Mogey stated. "Are you in? You'll need some eye protection like me - fumes, you know. But a foggy morning like this is when skunks are easiest to track. I know they don't smell so good, but I promise, you've never had a meat so tender and succulent as a braised skunk haunch."