"I've had it!" Smush exclaimed when Mogey found him. "All this business of mucking donkey stalls - I can't do it any longer!"
"Well we could muck the cow stalls for a while if you like...."
"That's not what I mean. I want something bigger, better... I want to be a scientist!"
"What sort of scientist?" Mogey queried.
"You know, one of those scientists who spends all day witnessing and authenticating the execution of contracts, preparing documents, taking affidavits, and using a heck of a lot of rubber stamps," Smush said. Mogey stared at him blankly. "Is that not what a scientist does?"
"What's that person called, then?" Smush asked.
"A notary?" Mogey replied. "I think?"
"That's the one," Smush murmured dreamily, "and one of these days, I will be a notary!"