Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush: 2024 Edition - Episode 9

 Mogey and Smush were strict adherents to a scientific method. It was not THE scientific method, of course (neither Mogey nor Smush had the patience for random control trials, formulating hypotheses, or even taking marginally good notes), but it was a method in the sense that it was a way of doing something, and it was scientific in the sense that they often wore lab coats.

On a day so steamy that medical professionals were advising the elderly and infirmed to step into the sauna to cool off, Mogey and Smush's scientific method was put to the test with a revolutionary experiment.

"Do you have the device?" Smush asked, wiping sweat from his brow with a broadsheet newspaper.

"I do," Mogey replied solemnly. He held up a wooden spinning top and readjusted the sodden handkerchief around his neck.

"And is the rotator prepared?"

"Indeed," Mogey confirmed, gripping the handle of the merry-go-round.

"Let the experiment commence!" Smush announced. He shook out the front of his shirt to circulate some air to his stifled tummyparts.

Carefully, Mogey set the top spinning in the center of the carousel, then gave the circular platform a hard shove in the opposite direction. The pals watched as the two concentric contraptions revolved in the oppressive humidity.

"Report on your key observations," Smush ordered once the top and merry-go-round had both stopped spinning.

"I now have a craving for rotisserie chicken," Mogey replied with utter sincerity. "Cold rotisserie chicken. And perhaps a hand-spun milkshake?"

"I concur. Scientific method concluded. Boston Market here we come!"

"What is it about the scientific method that makes every experiment conclude at Boston Market?"

"That, Mogey," Smush said, clapping his pal damply on the back, "is a question that the scientists who come after us - indeed, the scientists who stand upon our shoulders - will need to answer. The important thing is that we've lit the fires of curiosity for future generations. AND we've lit the fires of the rotisserie chicken experts: Boston Market."

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