Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush: Quarantine Episode 20

 As Mogey and Smush crested the snowy summit, their legs shaking, their breath billowing, their pockets crinkling with caramel cream wrappers, they came upon a crevasse that could not have been more perfect for producing an echo.

"Hello!" Mogey shouted.

"Hello!" his echo replied.

"Wow!" said Mogey


"Black bean burger!"

"Black bean burger!"

This went on for at least twenty minutes by Smush's reckoning. He reckoned in Fruit-By-The-Foot, so seven feet of fruit had been consumed. Finally, after Mogey yelled "black bean burger" for the third time, the echo simply quit.

"Will you cut it out already and let me get some sleep?" the echo cried, in perfect imitation of Mogey, though Mogey had said nothing of the sort. "For by the epaulets on Cap'n Crunch's blue coat, I swear I will grind this mountain into dust before I say 'black bean burger' again!"

Legends say that the witch who had doomed Fernando the echo ghost to a millennium of repeating hikers' yells added a hundred years to his punishment for each word he improperly echoed, so this outburst cost him dearly indeed. But legends also say that on that night, Fernando the echo ghost went to bed with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye, for he had proven that no man could make him say 'black bean burger' thrice, no matter how many caramel creams he'd consumed.

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