Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume 583

"When's the last time you scraped the frost off the chicken coop?" Smush asked Mogey one cold morning.

"Can't say I've done that since Thursday last," Mogey replied absentmindedly.

"What?" Smush exclaimed. "But you know full well that if the frost gets too thick, that chicken coop turns into a mighty frost monster with chickens for a heart and chickens for a liver."

"Darn it!" Mogey said. "I knew I'd been forgetting something."

The two pals threw on their overcoats and rushed out to the chicken coop, where they breathed a momentary sigh of relief. There was a hefty layer of frost on the windward side, but it didn't appear that a frost monster had formed yet. At that moment however, an enormous snowy head with a bulbous nose and gloomy eyes rose from the coop.

"Hullo," the frost monster said slowly, "I wuz just wundering if yew might gave me a sput of chiken feed?"

"AGGGHHHH! Frost monster!" Mogey shouted as the two pals turned tail and ran for the hills.

"Oh," the frost monster rejoined sadly, "I guess naught."

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