Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume CCXCIII

There was once a day in which Mogey and Smush felt like kings of kings: they had good fortune, good health, and good toppings on their meat lovers' pizza. They set world records in both tests of wit and trials of physical endurance, all while breaking neither a sweat nor a piece of pie crust. They ate entire muffins without creating a single crumb. The world was their oyster, except that it wasn't gross like an oyster.

But that was not the particular day that will be related in this particular installment. On the particular day related in this installment, Mogey and Smush ate a light but nutritious breakfast of cinnamon sugar toast (with extra sugar), went to work at the apothecary, took in part of a cricket match on their afternoon break, and headed home around sundown.

"I must say, "Smush said as he read the evening paper before a roaring fire that night, "This day wasn't too shabby."

"True," Mogey replied, "although I can't help but feel as though we've had better."

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