Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Abbreviated Adventures of Mogey & Smush Volume CXLI

One fine spring day Messrs. Mogey and Smush were surveying cottages for their upcoming summer holiday. Seeing as the two had most unique and particular tastes, it was no easy feat finding suitable lodging. They saw cottages that were too squat, too shady, too smelly, too old, too new, too white, and too roomy, but finally they found one they liked.

"This seems to be right up our alley," Smush said.

"Oh thank heavens!" the real estate man sighed.

"Just one thing," Mogey stated, scratching his chin as the real estate man turned toward him fearfully. "How do you get from the first floor to the second?"

"Well sirs, there's a magnificent double staircase in the entryway, clad in centuries-old Persian carpeting..."

"What's that?" Mogey asked. "A rope ladder, you say?"

"Ah, no sir," the man replied. "It's a double staircase that..."

"Mmmm?" Mogey insisted. "A...rope ladder?"

"Y-yes?" the man said hesitantly. "You use a rope ladder to ascend to the second story?"

"Well if all it's got is a rope ladder we'll have to pass," Smush said as Mogey nodded vigorously. "No one wants to climb one of those things every day."

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