One scorching summer day Mogey and Smush were up on the roof throwing water balloons at innocent passersby. Smush had just flung a perfect balloon at the paperboy, causing him to lose control of his bicycle and swerve into the compost heap.
Mogey and Smush were still celebrating this epic toss when the greatest target either of them had ever seen came waddling up the street. The man (if you could call him that) must have weighed more than 25 stones and he was leash-walking six siamese cats.
Smush raised his arm to hurl the most menacing water balloon of all time, but Mogey stayed his hand. "Wait a moment, Smush," he said. "I've got something special for this behemoth."
Mogey produced a special balloon and pitched it in a perfect arc toward the fat cat man. The missile landed directly upon the back of one of the felines and exploded, showering man and cats alike with chive n' garlic flavoured cottage cheese.
"What was that?" Smush asked.
"I took it out of the icebox 3 days ago," Mogey said gleefully. "I call it...THE DROOGAN!"
Haha these last 2 have been my favorites so far I think